Instalarea Serverului
1.Creeati un folder "HLDS" in driverul C:\
2.Downloadam hldsupdatetool.exe.Deschidem hldsupdatetool.exe si dam click pe Next, apoi pe I Agree si ajungem la destination folder. Aici apasam Browse si selectam drive-ul D, apoi dublu click pe directorul hlds. OK, ne spune ca directorul exista deja, apasam Yes, apoi Next pana la sfarsit.
3.Intram in Start-->Run-->si scriem acolo "cmd" fara ghilimele si apasam OK
Pe urma scriem acolo asa:
cd C:\HLDS 4.Dupa ce am scris aceasta comanda scriem acolo asa:
hldsupdatetool.exe -command update -game valve -dir .
Acest procces de download este gata cand v-a aparea textul urmator in acel command prompt:
HLDS installation up to date
Dupa acest mesaj scrieti in acel command prompt asa:
hldsupdatetool.exe -command update -game cstrike -dir .
Acest procces de download este gata cand v-a aparea textul urmator in acel command prompt:
HLDS installation up to date
5.Pentru ca clientii Non-Steam sa poata intra pe server este nevoie de patch-uirea serverului cu un patch non steam pe care il downloadam se numeste no-won-steam pe care il gasiti la sectiunea download a sitului pe care il dezarhivam in C:\HLDS
6.Configurare Server
In C:\HLDS\cstrike\ vom avea un fisier numit server.cfg , il deschidem si stergem TOT de acolo si punem acestea:
hostname "Numele Server-ului"
mp_autokick 0
mp_autocrosshair 0
mp_autoteambalance 1
mp_buytime 2
mp_consistency 1
mp_c4timer 35
mp_fadetoblack 0
mp_falldamage 0
mp_flashlight 1
mp_forcecamera 3
mp_forcechasecam 2
mp_friendlyfire 0
mp_freezetime 3
mp_fraglimit 0
mp_hostagepenalty 0
mp_limitteams 6
mp_logfile 1
mp_logmessages 1
mp_logdetail 3
mp_maxrounds 0
mp_playerid 0
mp_roundtime 3
mp_startmoney 800
mp_timelimit 35
mp_tkpunish 0
mp_winlimit 0
sv_aim 0
sv_airaccelerate 10
sv_airmove 1
sv_allowdownload 1
sv_clienttrace 1.0
sv_clipmode 0
sv_allowupload 1
sv_cheats 0
sv_gravity 800
sv_lan 1(daca vedeti ca nu poate intra lumea pe server setati sv_lan 0)
sv_maxrate 7000
sv_maxspeed 320
sv_maxupdaterate 101
sys_ticrate 10000
decalfrequency 60
pausable 0
log on
decalfrequency 60
edgefriction 2
host_framerate 0
exec listip.cfg
exec banned.cfg
rcon_password parola
In loc de "Numele Server-ului" punem numele serverului tau,ex: "BloodZone CS Server" iar in loc de "parola" punem parola de rcon a serverului tau,in rest nu modifca nimic decat daca stii ce inseamna fiecare.
Downloadam AmxModX 1.76c (este un installer automat).Dublu click pe a amxmodx-installer-1.76c.exe dupa care next -> bifati prima casuta dupa care next -> next -> install -> finish -> next -> bifati prima casuta dupa care next -> bifati select mod directory dupa care next -> la mod directory alegi directorul cstrike (ex: C:\hlds\cstrike) si la custom game addons alegeti counter-strike dupa care dati OK -> finish.
Configurare AmxModX
Mergem in C:\HLDS\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\configs\amxx.cfg si facem urmatoarele setari:
// AMX Configuration File
echo Executing AMX Mod X Configuration File
// Default access for all non admin players (see users.ini for access details)
amx_default_access "z"
// Name of setinfo which should store a password on a client (you should change this)
// (Example: setinfo _pw "password")
amx_password_field "_pw"
// Mode of logging to a server
// 0 - disable logging, players won't be checked (and access won't be set)
// 1 - normal mode which obey flags set in accounts
// 2 - kick all players not on list
amx_mode 1
// Show admins activity
// 0 - disabled
// 1 - show without admin name
// 2 - show with name
amx_show_activity 2
// Frequency in seconds and text of scrolling message
amx_scrollmsg "Welcome to %hostname% -- This server is using AMX Mod X" 600
// Center typed colored messages (last parameter is a color in RRRGGGBBB format)
amx_imessage "Welcome to %hostname%" "000255100"
amx_imessage "This server is using AMX Mod X\nVisit "/ "000100255"
// Frequency in seconds of colored messages
amx_freq_imessage 40
// Set in seconds how fast players can chat (chat-flood protection)
amx_flood_time 0.75
// Amount of reserved slots, amx_hideslots must be 1 to use this cvar (for more details see comments in plugin source)
amx_reservation 4
// If you set this to 1, you can hide slots on your server
amx_hideslots 1
// Displaying of time remaining
// a - display white text on bottom
// b - use voice
// c - don't add "remaining" (only in voice)
// d - don't add "hours/minutes/seconds" (only in voice)
// e - show/speak if current time is less than this set in parameter
amx_time_display "ab 1200" "ab 600" "ab 300" "ab 180" "ab 60" "bcde 11"
// Announce "say thetime" and "say timeleft" with voice
amx_time_voice 1
// Minimum delay in seconds between two voting sessions
amx_vote_delay 10
// How long voting session goes on
amx_vote_time 10
// Display who votes for what option
amx_vote_answers 1
// Some ratios for voting success
amx_votekick_ratio 0.40
amx_voteban_ratio 0.40
amx_votemap_ratio 0.40
amx_vote_ratio 0.02
// Max. time to which map can be extended
amx_extendmap_max 90
// Step for each extending
amx_extendmap_step 15
// Rank mode
// 0 - by nick
// 1 - by authid
// 2 - by ip
csstats_rank 0
// Max size of the stats file
csstats_maxsize 3500
// Duration of HUD-statistics
amx_statsx_duration 12.0
// HUD-statistics display limit relative round freeze end
// Negative time will clear the HUD-statstics before the round freeze time has ended
amx_statsx_freeze -2.0
//If you set this to 0, clients cannot chose their language
amx_client_languages 1
// Plugin Debug mode
// 0 - No debugging (garbage line numbers)
// 1 - Plugins with "debug" option in plugins.ini are put into debug mode
// 2 - All plugins are put in debug mode
// Note - debug mode will affect JIT performance
amx_debug 1
// Plugin MultiLingual Debug
// To debug a language put its 2 letter code between quotes ("en", "de", etc)
// "" means disabled
amx_mldebug ""
Modificati "amx_scrollmsg "Welcome to %hostname% -- This server is using AMX Mod X" 600" cu "amx_scrollmsg "Welcome to numele_serverului_tau -- This server is using AMX Mod X" 600""
Modificati "amx_imessage "Welcome to %hostname%" "000255100"" cu "amx_imessage "Welcome to numele_serverului_tau" "000255100